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XXXMAS showgirl Venus Star and the Dom Pascal

XXXMAS - circus burlesque club night

R oll up to the Mother of All Christmas Parties at The Garden Club! The mischievous creatures that brought you multi award winning Heavenly Burlesque have teamed up with burlesque goddess Venus Star and DJ Samu (Strike Percussion, The Silverbeatz) and are here to save you from all that being good - for goodness' sake!

Fuse Circus, Venus Burlesque and Radio Active present XXXMAS, the burlesque circus club night with just the right amount of Shmack!

Yes! Its time to be bad, to be naughty, to check out those presents before you should open them, and drink all the sherry before it goes in the trifle.

Inspired by European super clubs the likes of Ibza, XXXMAS gives you highly skilled circus acts in amongst the dance floor with a series of wickedly funny, charmingly bawdy, divine and devilish acts: circus aerials, fire breathing, hula hoop and showgirls galore.

The performances will be seamlessly integrated with the dance music, so that clubbers are immersed in a throbbing, scintillating and theatrical environment.
Full of naughty fun, you won't know where to look next.
Upon arrival you will be swirled into a flurry of flirtations - be prepared for titillating, tantalizing and downright teasing to warm the cockles of your… heart.

What to expect at XXXMAS!

Doors open at 9.30pm
The entertainment begins at 10.30pm going through to the wee small hours alternating with some fantastic tunes from DJ Samu(Strike Percussion, The Silverbeatz & Radio Active) and Monkey Made Music.
Beauchamp advises die-hard partiers to turn up earlier than they would normally for a night on the town, as the acts are not to be missed.

Venus Star (from Venus Burlesque and Fuse Circus) will heat up the stage with her ultra glamorous circus and burlesque acts. Tricky and delicious all at the same time, a combination of classic showgirl sparkle and super-hero moves!

The intrepid and firey Dom Pascale returns to Wellington for the show; joining Beauchamp in flexing his not inconsiderable muscles and setting hearts a flutter.

The Venus Burlesque showgirls add to the mix, along with special imports from Argentina - so ladies and gentlemen… step right up!

Book Tickets

  • XXXMAS burlesque circus club night
    10 - 12 December 9.30 til late at The Garden Club 13b Dixon St
  • Ticket price $30 full, $25 Concession plus BF
    (Includes groups of 10, Active Card holders, Students and Community Services Card holders)
Grab your tickets online for XXXMAS or phone 0508 DAZZLE
You can also get your tickets at the venue and Real Groovy.

Above: Set your Christmas on fire with Venus Star and the one and only Dom Pascale

  • Wellington: The Garden Club December 10 - 12

“Its something that's really never been done here before - Wellington partiers are really in for a treat. XXXMAS is saucy, but not extreme, really great titillation is all about the reveal, rather than laying it all out there. These superstars of circus and burlesque will send you home with a twinkle in your eye that rivals the fairy lights!” Tom Beauchamp Fuse Circus


Fuse Circus is renowned for producing award winning entertainment and sending audiences wild with subversive humour, brilliant circus, and wicked burlesque that truly lives up to it's name. This is your chance to be part of the event to be seen at this Christmas - the party to beat all lousy Christmas parties.

Thank you to our generous sponsors

Radio Active, Thames Publications, Phantom Bill Stickers

FUSE CIRCUS   Mobile 021 1211 321   Email info@fusecircus.co.nz
PO Box 14739 Kilbirnie Wellington 6241, New Zealand

Wellington Web design / Motive