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Laura in performance of Gravity and Other Myths

Gravity & Other Myths

G ravity & Other Myths is outdoor circus where the grandeur and dynamic nature of space meets the extreme and spectacular performance world of new circus!

Gravity and Other Myths will please existing fans and draw in new ones. Acts using fire, trapeze, web, hula hoops, dance and object animation draw inspiration from astronomy.

From the geometry of heavenly bodies to super nova explosions, from quantum physics to Maori astronomy, this is a show that leaves audiences breathless in amazement!

Gravity and Other Myths premiered as part of Wellington Fringe 07 at Queens Wharf, and then toured to Christchurch for the International Buskers Festival in 2008 before a triumphant return to Wellington and Civic Square for the Summer City Festival.

Gravity & Other Myths is in Repertory

If you are a festival interested in booking this show, get in touch.

Above: Laura is lifted into the air, wrapped in tissu to fly and spin above our heads.


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Reviews and Awards

Best Outdoor theater - Wellington Fringe 2007

“The ability of the cast was unquestioned, as was their air of the exotic, their otherness, and their enjoyment. Like all good new circus, it had humour, drama, and good fun, it was a little bit sinister, a little bit silly and a little bit scary. I enjoyed it thoroughly. ” Justin Gregory – Lumiere

  • Magenta Diamond spins her hoops in mid air.

    Magenta Diamond spins those hoops in mid air - just like Saturn - only more sexy!

  • Rowan and Laura in the double trapeze act.

    Rowan and Laura dazzle the crowds with thier impressive double trapeze act.

  • The Masked aliens from Gravity 2008.

    A welcome addition in 2008, a band of Aliens experiment with that mystical force: Gravity!

Show history

  • 2008 January: Gravity took Christchurch & the International Buskers Fest by storm!
  • 2008 March: Gravity brought the Aliens to Civic Square, Wellington
  • 2007 Gravity & Other Myths premieres at Queens Wharf, Wellington

FUSE CIRCUS   Mobile 021 1211 321   Email info@fusecircus.co.nz
PO Box 14739 Kilbirnie Wellington 6241, New Zealand

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