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Maria Dubrowska performs contemporary dance in Heavenly Burlesque 2008


q uiet, the dancer stands still, then bursts into life their body effortlessly spinning across the stage, translating emotion into movement.

Contempory dance has a growing relationship with Alt Circus.
The beautiful forms of dance movement can transfer from the ground into the air.

Contemporary dance also has a rich culture of emotive essence which lends a new depth to theatrical circus performance.

Variations on the form

  • Fuse Circus uses contemporary dance pieces as distinct acts in the Heavenly Burlesque shows. These performances provide a strong contrast to the comedy and circus aspects of the show.
  • Footnote Dance Company has worked with Fuse Circus integrating contemporary dance and circus skills in Footnote Fused performed as an opener to the 200 season of Gravity and Other Myths.
  • The very first Fuse show Plunge also used contemporary dancers to perform aerials.

Staging Requirements

Contemporary dance usually requires a flat, firm floor area, and enough ceiling height to clear the moves your dancers plan to make. A raised stage is ideal, so that the full effect can be seen by all.


Contact Tom Beauchamp to arrange a booking for a dance performance or for any inquiries. We specialise in coordinating acts and production requirements to deliver a fantastic event!

Above: Maria Dubrowska graceful and sublime in her dance performance in Heavenly Burlesque 2008.


Showing all 2 images.

  • Tom Beauchamp and Maria Dubrowska perform trapeze and contemporary dance together.

    Tom Beauchamp and Maria Dubrowska perform trapeze and contemporary dance together in Heavenly Burlesque.

  • [Tom Beauchamp and Maria Dubrowska perform together.

    Tom Beuachamp and Maria Dubrowska perform a burlesque piece together.

FUSE CIRCUS   Mobile 021 1211 321   Email info@fusecircus.co.nz
PO Box 14739 Kilbirnie Wellington 6241, New Zealand

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