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Aerial Oddities

O utrageous! A strange figure, a man lifted into the air by ... wait... by his neck? Amongst the many forms of aerial performance there are some that are hard to box. These include the aerial loop, bungy, harness work and many others.

The aerial loop is a short sling of soft cloth that has a sliding restraint to tighten it around the aerialists hand or foot to prevent them slipping out while using the apparatus.

These loops are most commonly used in conjunction with the Spanish Web, to allow an aerialist to be spun while hanging suspended by one hand.

Variations on the form

  • The loop can be used to suspend and spin performers by their hands, feet or necks.
  • These loops allow for some spectacular lifts, using multiple performers all connected by loops or by hand holds.
  • Aerial loops are often used with a counter weight system so the performer can be raised and lowered whilst spinning and posing in dramatic forms.

Staging Requirements

The aerial loop is rigged on a single point, so needs only a load bearing beam, RSJ, fly bar, crane, to a safety factor of 1:10. We can also supply our own free-standing truss system.

The working height can be anything from 4m or above.


Contact Tom Beauchamp to arrange a booking for an aerial loop act or for any inquiries. We specialise in coordinating acts and production requirements to deliver a fantastic event!

Above: The Magenta Diamond often uses the loop for her aerial hula routine, and can also lift the Dom Pasquale by his neck!


Showing 9 of 12 images.

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  • Tanya Drewery uses the foot loop in her aerial hula hoop performance in Gravity and Other Myths

    Tanya Drewery uses the foot loop in the aerial section of her hula hoop routine

  • Tom Beauchamp uses the hand loop to spin on the Spanish Web

    Tom Beauchamp uses the hand loop in a spinning routine on the Spanish Web

FUSE CIRCUS   Mobile 021 1211 321   Email info@fusecircus.co.nz
PO Box 14739 Kilbirnie Wellington 6241, New Zealand

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